Microsoft | Aditi Technologies
Microsoft | Aditi Technologies
Design Integration
Layout Testing and Debugging
The XBOX App (Previously XBOX Smartglass) is an accessory for XBOX gamers. A social network for XBOX gamers -You can see what people are playing, view recent activities in the news feed, message other users, compare stats, play and edit your recorded game videos and more. I worked on a team of engineers to build out areas of the UI.
Multi-modal control that displays various types of content in the app’s activity feed based on content type. The types of content were Text, Status Updates, Screenshots, Video Captures, and Achievements.
The friends list displayed your friends that were online, offline, and your favorites in a headered list. You could also use search functionality to find other users. One of the issues that would arise upon implementation is the GamerTag and PlayerNames got cut off the screen.
The GameDVR feature allows the user to replay their game clips and screenshots. Users could browse through content stored locally as well as content stored on XBOX Live.